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I think governor Romney may be hasn't spent enough time looking at how our military -- you you mentioned the may be for example and we have fewer ships that we did in 1960.
Well governor we also have fewer horses and -- and that's.
Because the nature of our -- changed we have these things called aircraft carriers where planes land on the we have.
These chips that go underwater nuclear submarines.
DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz joins us -- time good evening -- so -- Good evening Greta great to be with you thank you nice nice steady -- in the in the debate tonight -- to single -- one.
Area that shows the biggest difference between these two candidates what is it.
Well I thought the most clear moment was when that -- Obama talked about -- Trips to Israel as a candidate for president.
And Mitt Romney's and -- Obama went to Israel.
He went to -- traveled to southern Israel met with the families who are victims of the rocket attacks coming Sunday being launched from Gaza.
Made sure he visited the -- and visited our troops when Mitt Romney went to Israel -- the candidate.
He had two fundraisers and drug donors over there I mean -- at -- the -- Romney when I was surprised about that a that during the entire section of the date on on the -- Mitt Romney didn't bring up Israel wants.
And I think it just shows that he really didn't it isn't committed to Israel on the way to is that -- is -- only use the issue as a political opportunity.
And I actually I'm not -- a very good job at back.
I -- so I was says -- surprised at that as a missed opportunity for governor Romney because had that been brought up against meet a -- governor Romney.
I would -- mentioned that -- president -- didn't meet with prime minister Netanyahu when he was here.
Last August.
And that for instance even today there was a posting on the adequacy Israel's embassy.
Website where they talked about -- little bit surprised about the story about whether -- be bilateral talks with Iran are not -- it doesn't look like you know it may be totally wrong but it looks like there's a very chilly relationship between President Obama.
And prime minister Netanyahu -- she was surprised -- that I was surprised that dead.
The governor I didn't hit it went back.
With surprise that governor Romney who is that if Israel as a priority didn't mention it.
And president of -- very clear that in a word indeed he -- Israel's back it.
He has reiterated time and again that when it comes to making -- That that Israel and the and the United States -- stand strong together we have the closest military and security cooperation.
Time and again on the world stage President Obama has stood up for Israel.
And and demonstrated that they are one of our strongest allies particularly in that region and then -- have Israel's back time and again and tsunami just continues to users -- the political opportunity not mentioning it at all during an entire sex and the debate on the -- really that surprised me particularly.
One of the questions it was raised was the Red Line I don't know which candidate got it but it wasn't that ticked that that was dodge by whoever got -- got a question.
But I'm curious about whether or not you think that we should adhere to some -- red line as prime minister Netanyahu has.
At least you see -- seem to have asked the world and asked us.
Well I think President Obama made it very clear that -- that he as president will never allow Iran sent to -- obtain -- nuclear weapon.
That he's made that a priority by making sure that through international the most fighting international sanctions.
And domestic sanctions that we brought Iran until -- we've we've really decimated their economy.
The other day they advised that this they've gone from being really a situation where they had strength at the beginning of his presidency before he took office.
Now they're isolated in the entire world is united against them.
So I mean I thought very clearly President Obama demonstrated that his policy -- commander in chief.
I've made sure that there's been distance between Iran and their ability to obtain a nuclear weapon and that all options are on the table.
there's a lot discussion tonight at least especially towards the end about the economy and I'm curious whether or not you link the health of our economy to foreign policy or do you think there's too much discussion about the economy tonight.
No no I mean I think it would pres Obama again made it very clear that because he's been able to reestablish our relationships diplomatically that -- in tatters at the end of the last administration.
We've been able soon.
Exercise our leadership -- reestablish our leadership on the world stage which in the global economy really makes a difference and by bringing our troops home from Iraq.
Making sure that we wind down our involvement in Afghanistan.
Bringing Osama bin Laden to justice we can focus on nation building here at home.
I just -- time and again Mitt Romney showed that he was all over the map that it was more like he was auditioning when he agreed with President Obama so many times auditioning to be president Obama's secretary of state.
Rather than commander in chief but I thought he showed he was not ready for it.
Quick question does the ground game in Ohio for your party because I asked same of -- previous from the Republican Party.
Our ground game in Ohio is really strong and -- I think because we've been married since the beginning of the 2008 campaign and never left.
We've had as superior -- early vote operation we we've closed the gap for the Republicans usually have an absentee ballot requests we've got tens of thousands yeah.
-- walking and door to door.
Making phone calls a volunteer operation that is second to none and we've been building towards the most significant dynamic pressed his presidential campaign and that's what's gonna deliver Ohio.
And help President Obama win the presidency once again.
Let's Syrian people Ohio I think I'm pretty popular these days -- both parties aren't very efficient and to the extent that they -- hasn't thank you.
Thank you --
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