Thursday, July 19, 2012

Arizona's 3rd Most Beerfluential Person | - The Brew Bros

As I men?tioned in an early post regard?ing the poll, one of the lessons we learned was that we need a nom?i?na?tion round before the actual poll took place. The per?son behind #3 is one of the rea?sons why we decided to change things up next year. This per?son had the most write in votes in the poll (to the point of?harass?ment :) ) and he hails from the West Val?ley. This tells me that the beer scene out there is grow?ing and cer?tainly band?ing together. We are really happy to see that the com?mu?nity helped bring some notice to their side of the tracks by get?ting behind some?one that has remained strong in pro?vid?ing the best beer possible.

Please?con?grat?u?late?Sean Ras?sas, the owner of Ground Con?trol, as he was voted 3rd in the Most Beer?flu?en?tial poll! Cheers!

The Brew Bros: How long have you been in the craft beer community?

Sean Ras?sas: 17 Years. Old Chicago?s in Col?orado Springs offered 10% off your bill if you made it to 80 on their ?world beer tour? and a free mug or T-shirt if you made it to 100 and your name on their wall. I was a col?lege stu?dent ? all I cared about was drink?ing good beer for the least money pos?si?ble, so that was my moti?va?tion to make it to 80. Along the way, and well over 100 beers later, I learned what beers I really liked (brown ales) and which ones I did not (cel?e?bra?tor dopple?bock). I have ded?i?cated myself to ?edu?ca?tion? ever?since.

TBB: What types of things do you do in the community?

SR: Never tap crap! Its been craft beer since day 1. My beer rep 5 years ago snick?ered at me when he saw the line-up of my 6 han?dles. He claimed I would not do well with St Bernar?dus Abt 12, Triple Karmeliet, Schnei?der Weisse, Hoe?gaar?den, Dales Pale Ale and one other I can?t rememe?ber. 5 years later and the first 3 are still on draft. We started doing monthly beer tast?ings 4 years ago. We have been able to develop a great craft beer fol?low?ing by edu?cat?ing dur?ing these monthly tastings.

TBB: What do you feel is impor?tant for the state of Ari?zona to accom?plish to gain an edge in craft?beer?

SR: Sup?port local beers. I?ve been reluc?tant to for a long time, some?thing about my liver?s desire for bel?gian beer and a lim?ited num?ber of han?dles. That is chang?ing as I am able to add han?dles at each location.

?TBB: Why do you feel like your peers have voted you into the Top?5?

SR: I?d like to think its because of my charm?ing per?son?al?ity! A joke for those who know me well. Its because I stuck to my guns, never tap?ping main stream beer, always tap?ping some?thing as I like to say ?You can?t get any?where else!? or put more sim?ply ?no crap on tap?. From a busi?ness per?spec?tive, if I tapped Miller/Bud I?d be like every?one else, fight?ing for a $2.50 pint sale. Peo?ple are going to drive to what?ever is clos?est to get one of those. I wanted to give peo?ple a rea?son to drive out of the way to my place. That drive (pun intended) made Ground Con?trol their?place.

TBB: If you could do any?thing to help craft beer in Ari?zona, what would it?be?

SR: Con?tinue to do what I am doing. By the end of the year I?ll have 80 han?dles flow?ing in the west val?ley and I?ll be proud to dis?play my ?No Crap On Tap? sign above the bar at all 3 loca?tions. My next step is to help with pro?mot?ing and sup?port?ing AZ craft beers. 6. Who in Ari?zona influ?enced your craft beer pas?sion? Jim Sch?a?bely, he used to own Cross?roads Fine Wine at 99th and McDow?ell. He had 400+ craft beers on the wall. I?d go into his place to scope it out as it was the only real com?pe?ti?tion, albeit 15 miles away, I?d play stu?pid and he?d bull?shit me into buy?ing all sorts of great beer. Then he started com?ing in to my place on the week?ends and we?d ban?ter back and forth about the next beer to tap. He is now a Divi?sion Man?ager for Youngs Mar?ket and one of my best friends in?AZ.


Patrick Schroeder has two rules: 1) Drink beer good peo?ple brew. Craft brew?ers brew for the love of their craft so give every beer a try. B) Never drink the sed?i?ment cake. Other than that, Patrick spends his time home brew?ing, spend?ing time with his fam?ily and tip?ping back a few pints with fel?low beer lovers. If you wish to con?tact him, send an email to You can also find him on Twit?ter under the name beerguru14. Prost!

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