Friday, May 18, 2012

Cell Phone Advertising in Emergency Situations ... - Mobile Marketing

When time is of absolute importance, text messages are the most urgent, direct and cost-effective method of reaching hundreds or even thousands in a moment. This makes text message alerts the perfect communication medium for dire emergencies. There is very little to coordinate, because the messages are all sent at the same time.

From the recipient?s end, hearing that ?new message? beep immediately captures attention. Every minute you can slash off response time to imminent threats could potentially save lives. If you are responsible for campus or community communication systems during emergencies, consider integrating text messages into your current efforts. Consider these examples of cell phone marketing for emergencies:

Fundraising: The American Red Cross SMS text message campaign for the 2010 Haiti relief efforts was one of the most profoundly successful mobile fundraising efforts in recent history. The viral cell phone marketing campaign drew an unprecedented sum of relief money within mere days of the devastating earthquake.

Anyone who wanted to help in some way, but wasn?t sure what to do, was able to text an SMS text code to have the money automatically added to their cell phone bill. Behind this text message fundraising campaign was a sense of immediacy and urgency, where people could help without filling out forms, gathering materials, or even pulling out a credit card. It was simple and effective?something concerned people could participate in from right where they were.

Weather: The National Weather Service just launched a cell phone marketing campaign to alert subscribers to life-threatening events like tornadoes, hurricanes, and blizzards. The text messages are also accompanied by short pieces of advice to, for example, seek shelter or evacuate. Given the immediacy of text messages, they are an efficient way to warn of impending weather conditions, even reaching people where sirens and other communication methods cannot.

Public Emergencies: Text message campaigns are a powerful way to alert citizens about pandemics, water impurities, air quality, flooding issues and so much more. In fact, the Center for Disease Control sends out targeted alerts based on a few pieces of personal information (i.e. gender and location). Information about seasonal flu and H1N1 updates prepare concerned people for potential health threats in their areas.

Amber Alerts: According to the Wireless AMBER Alerts(tm) website, ?the first three hours after abduction are most critical to recovering a child alive.? You can sign up to receive SMS text messages for any Amber Alerts that are active for your geographical location. This kind of program has the potential to reach a large audience within seconds, potentially bearing down on kidnappers before they are able to harm or escape with a child.

Traffic Conditions: Many local news stations have started delivering breaking news and traffic alerts to their viewers? phones with text messages. Staying informed about dismal traffic situations through mobile campaigns can prepare commuters to find alternate routes.

Home Intrusion: Some home security companies now offer text message alerts whenever a break-in, fire or other emergency situation is detected through sensors and other installed equipment. Knowing their homes are safe, even while on vacation, offers peace of mind to subscribers. Learning about potential dangers via text also helps them seek help and respond appropriately.

Schools: From potential crisis situations to class cancellations, cell phone advertising campaigns have the potential to reach thousands of students with cell phone access within minutes. Parents may even feel relieved knowing that immediate notifications will reach their own phones during lockdowns or evacuations.

Bank Balances: Although not the source of any imminent bodily danger or property damage, low bank balances are one example of lesser emergencies that impact customers? everyday lives. To prevent overdrafts or other penalties, banks are now adopting text message campaigns as a service to customers. It?s an efficient way to warn customers so they can immediately budget or take action accordingly.
Text message campaigns for emergencies not only inform and support the public, they can also protect in a way no other communication source can. Trust your emergency notifications to a mobile marketing company like SnapGiant that can handle the immediacy and scope of your cell phone marketing plan.

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