Monday, April 9, 2012

Funding needed for an Insurance Company that ... - Curing Capital

?Insurance That Covers Your Investment

I know its hard to believe that there?will?soon be?an insurance company that protects and covers your entire investment, whether it be in an existing company or in an early stage company should they go out of business for any reason. This is about to be a?reality. Imagine?calling all?of your investors and telling them that the $50 million your about to put into 30 new exciting early stage company?s?will be totally be protected against?loss from business failure!? Now imagine contacting everyone you know that needs money, $250,000 to $5 million and telling them to go to?the featured company?s?web site, answer?the underwriting?questions about your company and then press the submit button. ??Shortly thereafter, you will get your approval letter online. Now, if you don?t?get a thumbs up immediately,?the Company will work with?your company to strengthen the identified weak areas of your submission plan so you can be given the go ahead.? Sales and?marketing support are usual weaknesses or?lack of?management experience, so they will?do everything possible to make sure each company becomes confirmed and?insured.

How big is this market?:?? The market is valued at up to $25 Billion, with little to no?competition.? The need for such a creative insurance program is overwhelming. With 160,000 new company?s looking for money in 2012, the featured Company expects to insure for funding between 250 to 500 company?s in it?s first year.

FDIC for Investors!

Tell me more:?? It?took?eight years (8) to produce and collect?enough data for executing this plan. The market is now ready. We have also completed an extensive feasibility and actuary study that was mandatory as part of the licensing requirement by the DOI, and valuation work for this new product market. The completed work on the proprietary database will allow this company to form alliances with several data providers, such as FICO, D&B and Equifax.

How does the process work?:??? If your Company is looking for equity or debt funding they will go through an evaluation process.?The process begins with a proprietary database of Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) and North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code companies covering the period from 1929 through today. The program identifies the critical success and failure outcomes for most U.S. business industries and issues over 150 qualifying questions about the business as part of the due diligence process. ??Other considerations reviewed in the final determination of whether or not the Company qualifies for the insurance are:?? Product, Business model, Marketing Plan, Management and Financial?s. From this electronic model, an initial premium is then calculated, evaluated and then may be underwritten, while being closely monitored by the featured Company for the life of the policy.

Their Main Policy Has Potential Underwriting?of $2.5-3.7 Billion Dollars in Risk Per Year

When you are given the green light , the company will underwrite this new form of insurance policy by insuring the business themselves and naming the investors as policy beneficiaries against certain types of business failures. The investor protection policy will insure debt or equity investments in both public and private business ventures, providing an unprecedented level of protection to investors, and facilitating a stable investment environment for the upstart, growth or newly public company.

Why hasn?t this been done before:????One of the issues was no one could figure out how to accurately quantify the risk involved and make investment insurance profitable, but now the program is completed and designed to allow insurance protection for?the investors against loss and providing companies the necessary capital for future growth. ?The program works similar to how the FDIC is implemented for Banks and also similar to how the FICO?system works for consumer loans. Bottom line is that the program/Fico and the FDIC all are designed to safely and profitably insure investors and/or lenders against risk of loss.


  • 20 Million small firms in the U.S. and fewer than 3,400 receive venture capital.
  • Insurance for investors and commercial lenders, to protect them against losses on their investment is a no-brainer.
  • Each year over 120,000 new businesses are looking for capital and the company?s next 12-18 month goal is for a total?of 500 to have made it through their program.
  • According to market research and industry sources including Thomas Registry, Dunn & Bradstreet and The Insurance
  • Industry Association, the overall potential for small to medium new business insurance premiums are projected to be?over a $2 trillion dollar industry by the end of 2012.? Currently, not a single company covers this type of risk.


Founder, Chairman & CEO:? Over 30 years experience leading private and public companies in the technology, insurance and corporate finance sectors. Prior experience includes, Digiboard International Corp., Scriptel Holding, Inc., Greater Ohio Securities, Inc.,?Massachusetts Mutual and Penn Mutual Insurance company.

CFO: A licensed CPA in the State of Ohio for over 30 years and professional experience includes positions with Coopers and Labrador (now Price Water House Coopers) and real estate property management.

VP of Marketing: A seasoned veteran who as served as President/CEO/Director of 10 companies in his 32 years of business experience. Responsible for having Managed, Marketed and Funded a variety of companies. He was directly responsible for having raised over $100 million dollars in financing for these company?s as well as other business ventures. He has taken 3 companies public and served as President or CEO, running and managing the day to day operations of the 3 public companies.

CTO: A 20 year career as an Investment Banker who primarily focused on small businesses. Prior to joining the featured Company, he served as Chief Executive Officer and Investment Company where his expertise included specializing in asset management, distribution, training and business statistics.

DDO: Was the lead developer for military and commercial projects for over 13 years specializing in software development and engineering utilizes all applications of C, HTML, DHTML, Java Sever Pages, Java, ActiveX, Active Server Pages, COM, JavaScript, Vbscript, and XML technologies. Positions held: Research Scientist for Battelle Memorial Institute and as a Science Engineer for Ford Aerospace.


This is a private program, not a government run program. That means that there will be competition, instead of a government-run monopoly and there should be big profits, particularly for those who get in early, thanks to the miracle of leverage.?? By law, Insurance Companies are allowed to write up to $3 dollars of insurance premiums for each dollar of stated capital. With $5 million in capital in the bank, the Company could write up to $15 million in premiums to start. This product will benefit every financial advisor as well as provide services unavailable until recently to their clients.

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