Saturday, December 24, 2011

Kris Humphries Gets Booed By The Crowd During His First Game Back In The NBA [Video]

Kris Humphries Gets Booed By The Crowd During His First Game Back In The NBA
As if he hasn't been through enough after being chewed up and spit out by the Kardashian Khaos Kreator, poor (figuratively, not literally) Kris Humphries was booed during a preseason Nets' game at Madison Square Garden. ESPN says he was "booed lustily" when he came into the game during the second quarter, and then again every time he touched the ball for the six minutes he stayed in the game. Ouch!

But then, after he came out of the game, the crowd chanted "We want Humphries! We want Humphries!" off and on for the rest of the game. Wow, the crowd's reaction perfectly captures the world's feelings towards all things Kardashian: you really hate them but the minute they go away you realize you can't live without them. Boo! Wait, where are you going? Come baaaaack! [ESPN]

Kris Humphries Gets Booed By The Crowd During His First Game Back In The NBA
Last night, during his Home for the Holidays concert in Toronto, Justin Bieber brought his three-year-old sister, Jazmyn, on stage with him. He and Jazzy sang part of his hit "Baby" before having an extended conversation about how she cut her own hair and shaved her 2-year-old brother's head while she was at it. She also announced that she is a princess. Of course, the audience oohed and ahhed as their hearts melted from the sweetness. He seems refreshingly unguarded and genuine when talking to her?quite a welcome contrast to the manufactured side of him we so often see. Oh, and Jazzy tripped as she walked off the stage, which tipped the scales from "very cute" to "off-the-charts adorable." [HuffPo]

Kris Humphries Gets Booed By The Crowd During His First Game Back In The NBAWhen it comes to the great sweatpants divide of 2011, it looks like Scarlett Johansson falls firmly in the "no sweatpants" camp:

I always like to put a little bit of makeup on. I'm not the kind of person that just slops around in sweatpants. I like to feel a little more together - you never know who you're going to see out there!

Actually, I do know who I'm going to see out there: no paparazzi and no one I really care about, so I don't mind sweating it up on occasion. But I can see, were you forced to be camera-ready at all hours of the day or night, why you might ditch the comfy pants in favor of something more flattering. [People]

Kris Humphries Gets Booed By The Crowd During His First Game Back In The NBAAfter getting arrested last night for fighting with his boyfriend Sauli Koskinen in Finland, Adam Lambert explained his actions via Twitter:

Us?blackout=irrational confusion.
jail+guilt+press=lesson learned.
Sauli+Adam+hangover burgers= laughing bout it. :)

That is one complicated equation! [Twitter]

  • Last night's Guns N' Roses show in Los Angeles was quite the who's who of random B-listers. Backstreet Boy A.J. McLean and his brand new wife, Rochelle DeAnna Karidis, displayed their wedding rings and their coordinated nail polish. (He had black polish with a red heart on his ring finger. She wore red polish and a black heart.) Jim Carrey also got in on the Axl action, and brought a blonde woman who may be his new girlfriend. And rounding out the fading-star-packed night was Jared Leto, who showed up wearing a velvety-looking coat and a fedora. [People, TMZ, Just Jared]
  • Alas, Alec Baldwin has decided not to run for mayor of NYC after all. He said on his podcast,

    I've lost my appetite. Plus the people that are running for mayor?I know this is terrible?I look at them and I don't see myself in that crowd. They're like a guy on a date that you can tell he just can't wait to get his hand up your blouse before even the lights go out in the theater. They're all just so horny for it. Horny for their own ascension. Whereas for me, I've got a job now?I've got a good job.

    He might not be horny enough, and he might be too rash to have been a good mayor anyway. But it's a damn shame we won't get to see what his campaign ads would have looked like! [E! Online]

  • Ooh, Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively continue to look as if they're playing for keeps. He's taken her all the way to Canada to meet his family. Aaaaand continuing in their grand romantic tradition of eating desserts together, they were seen picking out some sweets at Vancouver's Original Cupcake Shop. [Extra TV]
  • Finally, there's a celebrity couple who we don't need to constantly monitor for a potential baby bump: Nick Lachey has said that he and wife Vanessa aren't in any great hurry to reproduce:

    I don't think there's necessarily any timetable for it. We're definitely excited about being parents at some point, but I think whenever that happens, we'll embrace it and be excited for it. There's no real sense of urgency at this point.

    Phew. Now we can give our undivided attention to Kate Middleton's midsection. [People]

  • Speaking of the Royal couple, Prince William might be getting Kate a very special Christmas gift:

    [S]peculation is swirling over what [Prince] William is going to get Kate for Christmas, [and] the general consensus at this point is that the Duchess of Cambridge is getting a puppy.

    Hmm, that could mean that she is not pregnant, because who buys a puppy right when they're having a baby?too many poops to clean up after at once! Or it could mean that she is pregnant because they can just pay someone else to clean up after the puppy and then they can have it snuggle with the baby to keep it warm at night in that drafty old castle they'll be living in. [Us Weekly]

  • Comedian Louis C.K. has made a whopping $1 million on sales of his new comedy special, Live at the Beacon Theater. It went online 10 days ago, and costs just $5 to download. Last night on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon, Louie announced he's already given away $280,000 of of it to charity. He's paying for production of the special with another $250,000, and he's keeping $220,000 for himself. Then he's also giving $250,000 of his earnings out as bonuses to people he works with. Wow, he's like a skinnier, funnier, red-headed Santa Claus! [ONTD]
  • Didn't get your own personalized Christmas card from Fergie and Josh Duhamel this year? No problem, she posted it to Facebook so you can spend hours gazing upon it. [Just Jared]
  • Just when you thought you were over his "puppy dog eyes staring past someone and straight into the camera" act on The Office, John Krasinski does something cute like go on Sesame Street (see the video here) and try to explain the word "soggy." Then BAM! You are right back where you were when he was first wooing Pam lo those many years ago: smitten! [Entertainment Weekly]
  • Human meatball Mario Batali has been named in a sexual harassment suit filed by a former employee at his restaurant Babbo. According to TMZ, the waiter claims that the star chef stood by and did nothing as his other employees harassed him. The waiter says they, "'smacked his buttocks on a weekly basis,' repeatedly grabbed his genitals, and made crude sexual comments." [TMZ]
  • In case you were wondering what the cast of Fresh Prince of Bel Air looks like now, Will Smith helpfully posted a picture of their reunion on Facebook. (Hint: they all look a little older!) [Just Jared]
  • Suburgatory actor Jeremy Sisto and his wife Addie Lane have announced they're expecting a second child. It's a boy, and he's due in March. Their 2-year-old daughter is named Charlie-Ballerina, so bet on an interesting name for their new addition?maybe something like Leslie-Fireman? [People]
  • Katie Finneran, from I Hate My Teenage Daughter, and her husband Darren Goldstein are also expecting their second baby, due in the early summer. Luckily it's a boy, so he doesn't have to endure constant references to how his mother hates him when he's a teenager. [People]
  • Actress and reality TV star Brigitte Nielsen is recovering after a car accident in Los Angeles. Her neck and back were injured, but she's been released from the hospital and is resting at home. [OMG!]


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